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Paroles Sébastien Tellier - Divine (+ clip) Eurovision 2008

Sébastien Tellier Divine

Ecouter Divine de Sébastien Tellier, le candidat français à l'Eurovision 2008.

Sébastien Tellier représentera donc la France, le 24 mai 2008 à Belgrade, avec le titre Divine tiré de son album Sexuality.

Paroles Sébastien Tellier - Divine (lyrics)

Paroles Sébastien Tellier - Divine (lyrics)

No no no no no no no
I'm looking for a band today
I see the Chivers anyway
Through my eyes

Oh oh oh
I... I'm alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway
'Cause Chivers look divine
Look away
They try to find the Milky Way
They love to drink it every day

No no no no no no no
You... you and I, it's like you said
I'm not a Chivers anyway
You look fine

Oh oh oh
I... I'm alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway
'Cause Chivers look divine
Look away
They try to find the Milky Way

I'm... I'm alone in life to say
I love the Chivers anyway
In your eyes

Oh oh oh
I'm looking for a band today
I see the Chivers anyway
I'll be a Chivers guy some day
In my mind

Publié dans Clips et paroles

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